Monday, January 10

i've always been a fan of cartesian dualism. maybe its because i feel the same way about everything related to the concept "mind over matter" (and we can root that in the card) but it is extremely rare for me to feel an attachment to a school of thought i can't see myself defending rationally. This was all buried deep down somewhere until i started reading Linchpin. Seth Godin's formulation of the daemon and the lizard brain brought it all back (i guess it shouldn't have been so deep down that its resurfacing would provoke me to blog again with me being a philosophy major and all .. but chances are if you are reading this you already know me well enough to know that it's very likely). And with it, it brought an old dilemma of mine - is the act of admitting that you have changed your opinion on something(anything!) an empowering/right/positive thing or not.I seem to think that it is the latter and rate consistency above all but I'm not really convinced so that the question was still in my mind somewhere. With the lizard brain and my daemon I got a chance to shelf the idea, blame the lizard brain and be done with it. It is cetainly tempting but I'm not sold yet and I need feedback. Thank you for wasting a few minutes of your life with the news that I'm not sure about one more thing. Godin says its the lizard brain talking but, hey, its gotta be here and I am publishing it anyway.

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